Friday, March 12, 2010

Let you imagination run wild (its fun)

OK So play along with me. If you had a planet with animal people on it what would they look like and what would you call it? Me....Humm. Well my people would be really tall. I would also have them look like whatever animal they have the most characteristics of, like if they were really fast they would have spots like a cheetah. If they were really good at hunting they would have strips like a tiger and such. I think that I will call my planet Tandaren, just because I like it. So tell me what your people would be like on your planet. Now remember the point of this is to let your mind wonder and see where you end up. This should be fun not work.


Christine said...

Silly me got the image of "The Cat in the Hat" in my head and can't think of anything else. I'm afraid I'm not good for you, cause I suck at titles too. ;-) But I really like your ideas.

Autumn said...

My planet would look a lot like what I envision what heaven would be like. Or what I've read about what other people have seen and wrote about.

I'm not that imaginative but the spirit world intrigues me a great deal.